Muslims are Wrong in Preventing Non-Muslims from Visiting Makkah

Misconception # 10: Muslims are wrong in preventing non-Muslims from visiting Makkah.

Reply: Allah has prohibited this. Makkah is not a place of tourism, but a place of reverence and worship. A non-Muslim has no reverence for Makkah, and therefore should not be there as a mere spectator.

Although I am an Indian, I can’t go to the cantonment area in Bombay where the military is based. I need a special permit. Similarly, all countries have their own rules to allow visitors in. Applicants must meet certain conditions insisted on by the host country. I had to meet the conditions of the US Government to visit USA. Similarly, there are conditions to visit Makkah. The condition is: You must recite from your heart “La illa-ha-ill-lal-lah, Mohammed-ur rasul Allah” (I bear witness that there is no object worthy of worship except Allah, and that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah).